Community at Heart

Imagine a place where people can remain in their community, receiving healthy, safe and affordable housing, and essential services as needed. That’s the concept and the ultimate goal of our dedicated volunteer organization, The New Ross Community Care Centre Board.

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When our seniors remain in the community, we all benefit.

Caring for our Community

New Ross is a vibrant rural village located in the heart of Nova Scotia, which celebrated its 200th anniversary in August 2016. History and tradition, often fostered by older adults, are important to the people of this community. Intergenerational caregiving has been a vital, often necessary part of our way of life, which now gives our community an advantage when considering the concept of aging in place .

The Comfort of Home

As people move through their lives, their houses may change, but the feeling of security that home brings is a constant for most. Home is the place where they belong, the place where they are most comfortable, and the place where they feel safe. It seems odd then, to move someone to a new community during this often vulnerable stage of life.

Family Focused

Our vision is to be inclusive to all citizens that may require affordable housing. Singles, couples, or multimember family units are included in the design to provide ‘flex’ housing for every requirement. Intergenerational living will enrich all lives with this innovative rural housing concept. Living in a network together will allow all individuals to draw on the strength of one another to become a community within itself.

  • PHOTOS: Whitney Hughes

WHO WE ARE The New Ross Community Care Centre Board is a grassroots organization led by local volunteers. We are dedicated to the goal of providing the ability, through appropriate housing and care, to allow individuals of all ages to remain in the community of New Ross.



A rural model of an innovative, age-friendly community that enriches lives for aging in place.

The New Ross Community Care Centre model will create a two-phase, sustainable and affordable community housing model which will enable people of all ages to age in place, a concept of keeping our families near that is vital to maintaining our cherished rural way of life.

Both phases will be built on Rosebank Road, New Ross, visible in this overview video:


PHASE ONE of the concept involves the development of independent living townhouses and apartments for people of all ages. View the preliminary designs:

Preliminary Design

Preliminary Site Plan

Please note that the plans may change as the project evolves.

PHASE TWO of the concept includes development of assisted living and enriched housing and implementation of services that enable the aging in place concept.

Once the phases are complete, services will change as the needs of the residents do, but the goal of aging in place will mean the resident may stay in their community as their needs change.


To provide person-centered care for people who require support to age in place, by offering a central, well designed facility with flexible services that meet changing needs.

PHOTO: Whitney Hughes

The New Ross Community Care Centre Board is working hard to turn this project from a dream into a reality. The Board continues to work on pre-planning and development elements as the project progresses.

Community Engagement

The Board will continue to update the community on the New Ross Community Care Centre through community meetings. We welcome you to share your thoughts on this project. Email us at


The Committee has assembled an architectural and build team renowned for including the latest energy, mobility and technological efficiencies. These include flex housing and age friendly design. We will institute design principles that reduce care costs, and measures to support independence. Read about the build team here.

  • PHOTOS: Nancy Dempsey


Many cultures value the benefits of keeping their elders in the community – we couldn’t agree more.

Meeting the Growing Demand

By 2026, in the Municipality of the District of Chester, as many as 1,327 seniors with limited resources will require home care or relocation to an independent living facility. As many as 229 will require assisted or enriched housing, and as many as 164 will require long term care.

Combining Resources

Everything from health services, to exercise classes and community concerts, the residents who occupy the Community Care Centre will benefit from, and enhance, programming for the entire community.

Strengthening our Rural Community

Aside from the social benefits of maintaining relationships with family, friends, and neighbours, this model will create economic spin-off from those who visit, and provide comfort for residents who may otherwise have been isolated in an unfamiliar community.

Engagement Makes Happier, Healthier Seniors

Aging in place enables older adults to make social interactions a part of their daily lives. An active social life can help seniors prevent dementia, maintain community connections, and eliminate loneliness to promote better health, and higher quality of life.



The project is coming along, but to be successful, it will require community support – something at which our community excels. A project of this magnitude will add value to our community, in the way of safe, affordable homes for our community members. As with any building project, the more we raise, the less we must finance. Your donation will directly support the development and construction of homes in the heart of New Ross.

Financial Donations

Monetary donations can be made by cheque or e-transfer. Donations over $25 are eligible for a tax receipt from the Municipality of Chester. Cheques can be made out to the Municipality of Chester (P.O. Box 369, 151 King Street, Chester NS B0J 1J0) with a note on the cheque that it is for the New Ross Community Care Centre (NRCCC). E-transfers can be made to Please include the name you would like on the tax receipt and the mailing address. If you would like to chat with the fundraising team about your gift to the NRCCC project, please email us at, or call the Fundraising Team at 902-277-1695.

In-Kind Donation

If you would like to make an in-kind donation (labour, gravel, machinery, building supplies, etc.) please email us at, or call our In-Kind Lead at 902 277-1695. Events: Upcoming events include an evening in support of the NRCCC, and a 50/50 draw


  • Valerie White (President)
  • Susan Larder (Vice-President)
  • Matthew Reeves (Treasurer)
  • Cyril Hiltz
  • Tina Connors
  • Savannah Lenethen
  • Rustin Broome
  • Bruce Elliott
  • Teresa Workman
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  • Fundraising Committee:
  • Rustin Broome
  • Janet Larder
  • Judy O'Leary


A non-profit leader in senior care

SP Dumaresq Architects
Practicing architecture for four generations

David W. Harrison
Winner of the Comprehensive Policies and Plans Award 2016 (Atlantic Planners Institute)


Contact Us

If you are interested in becoming a future tenant, would like to help out with this community project, or just have a question – simply fill in your contact information below and we’ll be in touch.

*Required Fields

    PHOTO: Whitney Hughes